Fifth Sunday of Easter (5.10.2020)

It is the fifth Sunday in the season of Easter and is also Mother's Day.  Today is one of the most beautiful days of the year.  Let us consider for a moment the thoughts of two great men about the role their mothers played in their lives. George Washington once said, "My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her." Abraham Lincoln spoke similar words when he said, "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother." Unfortunately, many people in our society would not agree with these great men who had great mothers. Today, many think that their lives have no meaning unless they are employed in the workplace; thus, only in this way they regard themselves useful for society.  They consider the role of a stay home mom to be a waste of time.  However, although the circumstances of some women oblige them to work, today many more married women are finding that staying home and raising their children is the right way to go.  Motherhood is a very high calling.  What relationship can ever replace the love of a mother and a grandmother?  It is essential for women to realize that the love, guidance and influence they provide to their children are distinct and invaluable. So, there is no doubt that motherhood is a very high calling.  But, to whom can mothers look as the real model of motherhood?  Today's modern culture offers many role models through television, movies and women's magazines.  However, often these role models are either all together wrong or they offer a very limited and unrealistic view of true motherhood.  All mothers who wish to be true to their high calling need only look to the woman who became the greatest mother of all.  Born into humble surroundings, she was called by God to be the mother of the Son of God.  She affirmed her obedience to the call of God and lived out her vocation throughout her entire life.  Mary, the mother of Jesus, our Blessed Mother, is the true model of motherhood. "It can thus be said that women, by looking to Mary, find in her the secret of living their femininity with dignity and of achieving their own true advancement.  In the light of Mary, the Church sees in the face of women the reflection of a beauty which mirrors the loftiest sentiments of which the human heart is capable: the self-offering totality of love; the strength that is capable of bearing the greatest sorrows; limitless fidelity and tireless devotion to work; the ability to combine penetrating intuition with words of support and encouragement" (Blessed John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater). One aspect of Mary's life that has particular meaning and inspiration for many mothers today is the profound suffering that she endured during the passion of Our Lord.  Stabat Mater.  Mary stood at the foot of the cross.  Divorce, separation, single moms, widows, mothers forced to work out of necessity, grandmothers raising grandchildren, prodigal children and prodigal grandchildren, are realities that cause deep, daily suffering for many women.  Added to all of these sufferings, is the pain endured by many married women who would like to be mothers. All mothers and grandmothers need to find in Mary, our Blessed Mother, the faith, hope, love and fortitude to stand firm at the foot of the cross.  All suffering has power when we unite our suffering to the cross of Jesus.  Take your suffering, united to the suffering of Jesus, and offer that suffering for your children and grandchildren. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will renew the hearts of all mothers so that they can live out their calling to motherhood with a deeper and more generous love within the daily circumstances of their lives.  My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will fill all women with the gift of love and that they may fully understand their true dignity as daughters of the awesome God of love. My prayer is that men will respect women and not use them as an object.  I am very grateful for the young people of Our Lady of Grace, St. Peter Prince of the Apostles Catholic Church and Our Lady of sorrows, my communities, who struggle every day to heroically live their lives according to God's plan within a society that is completely out of control • AE

Anonymus artist, Madonna col Bambinno and San Giovannino (17th century), 
oil on canvas with Bolognese frame, Casa d'Aste Sammarinese.

Blessing for Mother’s Day

Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children,
so you give life and care for your Church.

Bless these women, as we celebrate this day in their honor.
May they be strengthened as Christian mothers.

Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor and appreciate them
with a spirit of profound respect.

May the example of Mary, mother of Jesus, inspire them to live their
vocation as Christian mothers and call their children to faith.

Guide and protect them in challenging times and help them to continue
to trust in you all the days of their life.

Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Anónimo, Noli Me Tangere, óleo sobre tela, Galería Balclis (Barcelona)

Hay en la vida momentos de verdadera sinceridad en que, de pronto, surgen de nuestro interior con lucidez y claridad desacostumbradas, las preguntas más decisivas: En definitiva, ¿yo en qué creo? ¿qué es lo que espero? ¿en quién apoyo mi existencia? Ser cristiano es, antes que nada, creerle a Cristo. Tener la suerte de habernos encontrado con él. Por encima de toda creencia, fórmula, rito, ideologización o interpretación, lo verdaderamente decisivo en la experiencia cristiana es el encuentro con el Señor. Ir descubriendo por experiencia personal, sin que nadie nos lo tenga que decir desde fuera, toda la fuerza, la luz, la alegría, la vida que podemos ir recibiendo de él. Poder decir desde la propia experiencia que Jesús es "camino, verdad y vida". En primer lugar, descubrirlo como camino. Escuchar en él la invitación a andar, a cambiar, avanzar siempre, no establecernos nunca, renovarnos constantemente, sacudirnos de perezas y seguridades, crecer como hombres, ahondar en la vida, construir siempre, hacer historia más evangélica. Apoyarnos en Cristo para andar día a día el camino doloroso y al mismo tiempo gozoso que va desde la incredulidad a la fe. En segundo lugar, encontrar en Cristo la verdad. Descubrir desde él a Dios en la raíz y en el término del amor que los hombres damos y acogemos. Darnos cuenta, por fin, que el hombre sólo es hombre en el amor. Descubrir que la única verdad es el amor. Y descubrirlo acercándonos al hombre concreto que sufre y es olvidado. En tercer lugar, encontrar en Cristo la vida. En realidad, los hombres creemos a aquel que nos da vida. Ser cristiano no es admirar a un líder ni formular una confesión sobre Cristo. Es encontrarse con un Cristo vivo y capaz de hacernos vivir. A Jesús siempre lo empequeñecemos y desfiguramos al vivirlo. Sólo lo reconocemos al amar, al rezar, al compartir, al ofrecer amistad, al perdonar, al crear fraternidad. A Jesús no lo poseemos -Noli me tangere!- A Jesús lo encontramos cuando nos dejamos cambiar por él, cuando nos atrevemos a amar como él, cuando crecemos como hombres y hacemos crecer la humanidad. Jesús es «camino, verdad y vida». Es otro modo de caminar por la vida. Otro modo de ver y sentir la existencia. Otra dimensión más honda. Otra lucidez y otra generosidad. Otro horizonte y otra comprensión. Otra luz. Otra energía. Otro modo de ser. Otra libertad. Otra esperanza. Otro vivir y otro morir • AE

Dios de Amor,
escucha nuestra oración.

Dios de todos los santos,
de Sara, de Ruth y Rebeca;
Dios de santa Isabel, madre de Juan,
de Santa María, Madre de Jesús,
escucha nuestra petición
y bendice a las madres de nuestra familias.

Bendícelas con la fortaleza de tu Espíritu,
ellas que le han enseñado a nuestros niños
a caminar.

Bendícelas con la melodía de tu amor,
ellas que nos enseñaron cómo hablar,
cantar y conversar contigo.

Bendícelas con un lugar en la mesa de la eternidad,
ellas que alimentaron y criaron la vida
que se formaba en ellas,
mientras aún indefensa se abrazaba a su amor.

Bendícelas hoy, ahora, en esta vida,
con cosas buenas y con salud.

Bendícelas con alegría, con amor,
con la sonrisa y el orgullo de sus hijos,
y rodéalas de sus buenos amigos.

Que ellas, que llevaron la vida en sus vientres,
sean cargadas un día en tus divinos brazos:
y allí, por toda la eternidad,
se regocijen con sus familias y amigos.

Que esta bendición y todos las gracias, te pedimos,
desciendan sobre las madres de nuestras familias:
en el nombre del Padre, + del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.
En la foto aparecen mi abuela, Maria de Jesús Aceves Ramírez, 
y mi mamá, Margarita Fernández Aceves; la foto debe ser de 1948. 

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