February 22, 2020.
Sunday of Ordinary Time.
4.00-5.15 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation.
5.35 p.m. English Mass
@ St. Peter Prince of the Apostles Catholic Church.
February 23, 2020.
Sunday of Ordinary Time.
a.m. English Mass
St. Peter Prince of the Apostles Catholic Church.
(RCIA Rite of Sending 2020)
(RCIA Rite of Sending 2020)
a.m. English Mass
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church.
(RCIA Rite of Sending 2020)
(RCIA Rite of Sending 2020)
a.m. English Mass
@ St. Peter Prince of the Apostles Catholic Church.
of Confession during the week.
Tuesday Mornings (unless otherwise indicated in my online schedule) I am always
available to celebrate the sacrament of the Confession from 6.00 am to 6.50 am
at the Eucharistic Chapel at St. Peter Prince of the Apostles Catholic Church
(111 Barilla Place, San Antonio, TX 78209), on Wednesday morning at the
confessional at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church (3107 N St Mary’s St San
Antonio, TX 78212), from 7.00 a.m. to 7.50 a.m., and on Thursday morning from 7.00
a.m. to 7.50 a.m. at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church (223 E Summit San
Antonio, TX 78212) • AE
Los martes por la mañana (a no ser que en
mi horario se indique lo contrario), estoy disponible para celebrar el
sacramento de la Confesión de las 6.00 a.m. a las 6.50 a.m. en la capilla del
Santísimo Sacramento en St. Peter Prince of the Apostles Catholic Church (111
Barilla Place, San Antonio TX 78209). Los miércoles por la mañana, de las 7.00
am a las 7.50 am en el confesionario de la parroquia de nuestra Señora de los
Dolores (3107 N St Marys St San Antonio, TX 78212), y los jueves por la mañana
en la capilla del Santísimo Sacramento de parroquia de Our Lady of Grace (223 E
Summit San Antonio, TX 78212) de las 7.00 a.m. a las 7.50 a.m. • AE
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