Thanksgiving Day (2019)

What happiness can equal mine?
⁠I've found the object of my love;
My Saviour and my Lord divine
⁠Is come to me from heav'n above.
He makes my heart His own abode,
⁠His flesh becomes my daily bread;
He pours on me His healing blood,
⁠And with His life my soul is fed.

My love is mine, and I am His;
⁠In me He dwells, in Him I live:
Where could I taste a purer bliss?
⁠What greater boon could Jesus give!
O royal banquet! heav'nly feast!
⁠O flowing fount of life and grace!
Where God the Giver, man the guest,
⁠Meet and unite in sweet embrace.

Dear Jesus, now my heart is Thine,
⁠Oh, may it never from Thee fly;
My God, be Thou for ever mine,
⁠And I Thine own eternally.
No more, O Satan, thee I fear!
⁠O world, thy charms I now despise
For Christ himself is with me here,
⁠My joy, my life, my Paradise •

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