So will it be also at the coming of the Son of Man.
Two men will be out in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left”[1].
These mysterious words of today's Gospel speak to us of the importance of being
prepared for a moment we do not know when it will happen: the second coming of
the Lord, and with it the judgment of the nations. The Lord will come to
complete his restoration of creation to God’s original plan, that's for sure. How
will he find us? What will he find
me doing when I least expect his arrival? What will he find you doing? Hopefully, he will find us spreading
his Kingdom! Every act of kindness and love, every sacrifice of self for
another, is a small step in the transformation of the world into the Kingdom of
God. Conversely, every act of hatred, every act of selfishness, strengthens the
power of evil that is destroying our world. The Battle for the Lord is not something that will take
place many years from now. It is a
battle that we are engaged in right now and right here. We need to be part of this. We need to commit. We are not
Christians because we say we are Christians. We are not Christians because we
have been baptized and receive the sacraments. We are Christians because we
have put on Jesus Christ and work hard to make his ways, our ways. We are
Christians because we are open to the transformation the Lord wishes to make in
our lives. We are Christians because we are determined to be the reflection of
God’s love that he created us to be. We need to commit. If we are committed to
Christianity, then Christmas will be a reflection of the Lord’s presence in our
lives. If we use the Christmas
holidays as an opportunity to bury the anger and reconcile with those who have
hurt us, if we look for ways to be more loving to others, especially those
within our homes, then we will be engaged in the Lord’s battle against evil. We
need to commit. The commitment to the Lord has a mystical element of being part
of the transformation of the world Jesus initiated at his birth. Christianity
is not just a faith. It is the lifestyle of transformation. We have been called
to take our part in the transformation of the world from the terrors that exist
right now to that ideal of Isaiah’s prophecy: the mountain of the Lord, the
time of peace. Only Jesus Christ is the solution to the difficulties of the
world! He is the Prince of Peace. And his time is now. “So,” we are told, “Stay awake, be
prepared,” for the Son of Man is coming. We are called to participate in the
ultimate victory of Christ the King. May we have the courage to be Christian! •
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