In today's gospel the contrast between the two scenes cannot be any greater. In
the first scene, Jesus puts the people on guard against the religious leaders:
“Beware of the scribes.” Their behavior can do much harm. In the second scene,
he calls his disciples to take note of the poor widow’s deed: the simple folks
can teach them how to live the Gospel. The tough and accurate language that
Jesus uses to unmask the false religiosity of the scribes is surprising. He
cannot bear their vanity and strong desire to show off. They want to dress up
in a special manner and to be greeted with reverence so they may stand out
above the rest, impose themselves on them and dominate them. Religion is good
for stoking their fatuousness.
They recite “lengthy prayers” to impress. They do not create community, for they put themselves above
everybody. Basically, they only think of themselves. They live taking advantage
of the weak whom they should be serving. In the gospel we see Jesus siting down
opposite the offering box. Many rich people put in large amounts: they are the
ones who support the Temple. Suddenly a woman approaches. Jesus notices that
she puts in two small copper coins. She is a poor widow, mistreated by life,
alone and without means. She probably lives begging close to the Temple. Moved,
Jesus quickly summons his disciples. They are not to forget this woman’s deed,
for “she has contributed all she had, all her livelihood,” even though she is
needy herself. While the scribes
live taking advantage of religion, this woman gives up everything for others,
trusting God completely. Her deed uncovers for us the heart of true religion: great confidence in God,surprising
gratuity, generosity and loving solidarity, simplicity and truth. We only know that Jesus saw in her a
model for future leaders of his Church. Today too, so many women and men of
simple faith and generous heart are the best that we have in the Church. They
do not write books or preach sermons, they also do not trace the great pastoral
plans, but with their faith and their works they keep alive the flame of faith
and beauty of the wife of Christ: the Church, they are the ones that keep alive
among us the Gospel of Jesus. We priests and bishops have a lot to learn from
them • AE
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