Adorna thalamum tuum, Sion.

Adorna thalamum tuum, Sion,
et suscipe Regem Christum:
amplectere Mariam, quae est coelestis porta:
[amplectere Messiam gratulare huiusce matri:]
ipsa enim portat Regem gloriae novi luminis:
subsistit Virgo, adducens manibus
Filium ante luciferum [genitum]:
quem accipiens Simeon in ulnas suas
praedicavit populis
Dominum eum esse vitae et mortis
et Salvatorem mundi • 
Roland de Lassus (1532 - 1594)

Adorn thy bridal chamber, 
O Sion, and receive Christ the King:
embrace Mary, who is the gate of heaven,
[embrace the Messiah and congratulate this mother}
who herself truly brings the glorious King of new light.
She remains a virgin, though bearing in her hands a Son begotten before the daystar,
whom Simeon, taking him in his arms, 
proclaimed to the people
to be the Lord of life and death, 
and Saviour of the World • 
Roland de Lassus (1532 - 1594)

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