In today’s Gospel we see the Apostles asking the Lord to
increase their faith. They understood that faith is a gift. No one buys it,
earns it, or wins it. It comes from God, and one can only do what the Apostles
did: pray for the gift of faith and for it to increase when it is weak. Today
the Lord is telling us, “You guys have plenty of faith to accomplish all I ask,
so stop making excuses for yourselves.” Start believing! Here’s the deal. If we
want our faith to increase, we must act upon it, we must exercise it, we must
trust, take the plunge, have confidence. Our capacity to trust increases when
we exercise it. Faith is a lot like our muscles, it gets stronger when we
exercise it. We must first trust in order to trust more. Today we need to take
hold of the truth that we do have faith – we already have the gift of faith
given to us at Baptism and Confirmation and nourished by the Holy Eucharist and
the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Lord is telling us that we really don’t
need more faith, but that we should rely more on the faith we have already been
given. If we would only dare to USE this faith, we will experience amazing
things happen in our lives and we’ll see God’s will be accomplished through us.
True faith requires that we admit that we are not fully in control of our lives
#Humility It requires that we have a confident trust in the power of God
working in our lives #Faith It compels us to grow in an understanding that the
more I surrender to God, the greater things can happen #Trust. In today’s
Gospel we also hear Jesus teach about the nature of service to God. He cautions
us to know our place in God’s plans, which is so essential to exercising the
faith we’ve been given. Even when God works wonders through us, using our
mustard seed-sized faith, we must not seek praise for ourselves. Our
participation in God’s plans must be as that of a humble servant. When we are
given the grace to cooperate with God, the work we do is nothing more than our
obligation to God as faithful stewards. We simply have to do what God tells us
to do…what we are literally obliged to do…and then he can work powerfully
through us. Today as we approach Our Lord in Holy Communion, let us offer
ourselves to Jesus unconditionally and in humble service so that we can more
fully experience the joy of the faith we’ve already been given. Let us ask him
for an attitude of faith as we serve him in one another and let us understand
that in doing so we are simply doing what we are obliged to do. To God be all
the glory now and forever. Amen • AE
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