Monday of the Sixth Week of Easter (5.18.2020)

In the gospel reading, Jesus tells his disciples that after he takes his leave of them they are to become his witnesses. Although Jesus will no longer be in the world in an embodied form, in another sense he will be in the world in an embodied form in and through his disciples who will be his witnesses. That remains our calling today as the Lord’s disciples, to witness to him so that he can be present in the world in an embodied form through us. In the gospel reading Jesus highlights two reasons why the disciples will be able to witness to him. One reason is the Holy Spirit, because the chief witness to Jesus is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit witnesses to Jesus in and through the lives of the disciples. It is the Holy Spirit who enables us and empowers us to be the Lord’s witnesses. Another reason why the disciples can be the Lord’s witnesses is that they have been with him from the beginning, from the time of his baptism. Only those who have been with Jesus can witness to him. We have not been with Jesus in the sense that the first disciples have, but if we are to witness to Jesus we need to be with him in silence, in prayer, in recollection. We need to be present to him prayerfully if the Holy Spirit is to witness to him through our lives. That´s today invitation • AE

Os he hablado de esto para que no se tambalee vuestra fe....” Podríamos silenciosamente acojer con alegría las palabras de Jesús. Están llenas de amor y esperanza, y piden que nos comprometamos con ellas y por ellas. Podemos estar seguros de que Dios nuestro Padre nos ha amado y nos ama de verdad, es un tiempo precioso para pensar –con intensa mirada interior- qué hemos asimilado su mensaje. En traje de humildad y confianza, y haciendo un esfuerzo de desprendernos de cosas que no sean las del Reino oremos sinceramente para que el Espíritu prometido venga a cada uno y nos haga fértiles instrumentos de paz, solidaridad, hermandad... Que no se cierre en nuestro corazón y en nuestros labios una actitud abierta –como la de Lidia, en la primera lectura de hoy- que siempre es premiada con el regalo del cielo y la felicidad de los hermanos. Si obramos con la sencillez que nos acerca siempre a los hombres y a sus problemas, nos acercaremos también al corazón de Dios • AE

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