Full of Divine Love (Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)

Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem, completely void of the materialistic trappings that would accompany so many celebrations of his birth.  Why?  Why wasn’t Jesus born in a palace?  What was God saying to us?  St. Francis of Assisi, who is credited with beginning the tradition of the Christmas crèche in the thirteenth century, was certain that in Bethlehem God proclaimed that materialism does not matter. The physical takes its value from its union with the spiritual. Bethlehem was 2000 years ago, but we are here now.  We must provide the world with an authentic celebration of the Divine Child’s birth.  Our lives have value when we are united to the spiritual.  We can transform the world from its despicable exaltation of materialism, to union with God. Throughout scripture, God is presented as a bridegroom, seeking marriage to his people, his bride. He marries us so that our lives might be full of Divine Love. So, we have to reject hatred. We should not even allow the word hate to enter our vocabulary.  We cannot be part of a mob mentality that accepts any form or degree of hatred for what it claims is a greater good.  Good never comes from hate.  Jesus said, “By their fruits you will know them.[1]” History has shown us the toleration of hatred has resulted in the most despicable actions of mankind. We must be different. We can and we must put the Love of God before everything else.  This is what Jesus did when He accepted the worst that the world could do to Him and adamantly refused to hate.  This is what we do when we love those who attack us be they members of our families, people in the neighborhood or at work or school, or even members of terrorist organizations. “By patient endurance you will save your lives”[2].Patient endurance is the scriptural term for martyrdom, for giving witness to Christ. A child is born in a stable. He calls his followers, his disciples, us, to proclaim the Good News, the Gospel, to the ends of the world.  The Spiritual has become physical. And now we, the physical can become spiritual.  We can join the Prince of Peace by choosing Love. We can and we must unite ourselves to Him, the Divine Lover, and make the spiritual real. The world longs for a Savior. St. Paul says, “Creation waits with eager expectation the revelation of the children of God”[3]. We are those children. We have received the divine mandate to assure the whole world first with our lives and deeds and then with our words that there is an infinitely great reason for all to have a Merry and Holy Christmas • AE 

[1] Matthew 7:16.
[2] Luke 21:19.
[3] Romans 8:19.

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