Walking after God’s will (Solemnity of Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

When Joseph awoke he did as the angel of the Lord had directed him... Those are the words that stand out for me from today's Gospel on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary[1]. We don't know a lot about Joseph, only few things like that God spoke to him in his dreams and he followed his dreams. What's also interesting to me is that nowhere in the  Gospels  do we ever hear anything Joseph says. He never says anything. But he’s a man of action: he does what the angel tells him; he takes Mary as his wife; he goes to Bethlehem; he finds a place to stay for the night; he takes his family to Egypt... He’s a man of action, not a man of words, a man after God’s will. He longed to know God’s will and searched to see how he fit into the Father’s plan. And just like God had a plan for Joseph, God has a plan for each one of us. The plan does not need to be more than that He wants us to be upright and righteous. He wants us to be loving people. But, just like Joseph, we may feel that we don’t have anything to contribute: that we are nothing but simple carpenters...we may feel insignificant, that we have nothing to offer. Still, God has a plan for us! God gives us dreams and speaks to us in our dreams. But also, just like Joseph we may never see the fruit of our labour, we may never reap the harvest, but we have to keep going. St. Joseph may have been a simple carpenter, who did not amount too much during his life, but today he is venerated as one of the greatest saints in the Church. As we journey through Lent, especially when we gather around the Eucharistic table, let’s pray to St. Joseph. Let him guide us and help us open our hearts to God’s plan. That we may be upright and righteous; that we may be men and women after God’s will; that we may be able to pray, “Father show me how I fit into this plan of yours.” And dream. Let God speak to us in our dreams and then get up and do as the angel of the Lord directs us! God has a great plan for everyone. Even for a simple Carpenter • AE

[1] Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24. 

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